Learn to Undress WHO?

I was chatting with a friend this morning in the office break room when I happened to glance down at the front page of the Wall Street Journal. To my surprise I saw the below headline/article:

Yeah…apparently, learning how to “Undress a Victorian Lady” is a hot topic in America and should be reported on immediately.

Forget all the problems in the world – you know, small things like: human trafficking, poverty, war, environmental destruction, starvation – we NEED to know the “Secrets of Bodice Ripping!!”

Thank you WSJ for your in-depth research and expert journalism.

4 thoughts on “Learn to Undress WHO?”

  1. Uh, interesting. Deanne Gist writes Christian romances as well. I’m hoping she doesn’t also write ABA romances at the same time.

    1. ABA romances? Is that some kind of code for ABBA influenced romance books?

  2. Oh – sorry – ABA means American Book Association – its very short hand for basically saying “mainstream” or “secular” books. Its in comparison to the CBA – Christian Book Association. Not all Christian publishers belong to the CBA and not all mainstream are apart of the ABA. I was using short hand and forgot my audience 🙂

    Basically CBA romances are very clean. While knowing about the clothes (and how difficult it is to undress a victorian lady) is essential for understanding the era and write correctly – it concerns me that the whole point of this was about aimed at those who write for the ABA – those who write “bodice-rippers” –

    I’m just a bit concerned is all – I was shocked to recognize her name as the one giving the speech. I will have to look more into her writing history. She may have done as Francine Rivers did and _used_ to write for the ABA – had a change of heart and is now writing for the CBA.

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