The Current Theological War

I thought I was done talking about hell…but then I read Tall Skinny Kiwi’s post today about the Rob Bell/Love Win’s Controversy and…well…I felt I should at least post the link to his site as he does a great job summarizing the issue.  (did I ever mention the time he came through Boise? Great guy with an awesome family!)

In fact, he goes beyond the Rob Bell issue and reminds folks of the current theological war going on within evangelicalism. And, yes – it is important to at least have an understanding of this war even if you are not engaged in it directly as it will have an effect on Christianity within the Untied States and the world beyond.

It is like the Fundamentalist–Modernist Controversy of the early 1900’s, which changed the face of American Christianity forever….

Only this time it is us who are alive; it is us who are going to have to navigate the turbulent waters while trying to follow Jesus as best as we can.

We are the ones who have to stay focused on the active Spirit of God and not trust human wisdom….and boy, I hope God knows what He is doing in allowing us to be alive at this time….