The Weeks News

Here's a collection of news articles that I doubt your local station picked up. They are from both sides of the political spectrum with no real theme – except that I read them and decided to write a comment about them. Tongue out

First Up: Pregnant US man hails 'miracle' BBC

Summary: A lady has a sex change 10 years ago and leaves 'her' female "reproductive system" in place while assuming the role of a man. "He" then decides to have a child, at which point his wife (yes, he is married to a woman) "inseminated him using sperm from an anonymous donor".

Comments: Dude!! This world is crazy!!!! Call me old fashion, but I don't know o
f any lady that would knowingly marry a man who was a former woman…. Sorry, I'm not quite that liberal! Tongue out

Second on the floor: There Is No Gas Shortage – Business Week

Summary: Oil reserves are full. Gasoline supplies are at record highs. Demand is down (due to everyone conserving fuel). And to top it all off, some refineries are scaling back production.

Comments: Can you say "bipartisan corruption"?[@more@]

Third Article: Facts About the Tax

Summary: People in 1943 where paying about 5% of their income to the US Government while we were in the middle of War World II. Today… well, today we are paying a ton more… yet, only 19.4% is going into defense – compared to "27 percent during the Reagan administration and way down from the 44 percent it reached in 1969 during the Vietnam War".

Comments: *silence* *more-silence* *crickets-in-the-background*

Forth Interesting News Article: Barack Obama – The Wizard of Oz

Summary: Barack Obama is corrupted as all get out (well, at least that's what the article claims….)

"John McCain is just drooling waiting for Obama to become the nominee so that he can come out with the trail of dirt that the Democratic party is too afraid to reveal this late in the in the game. If nominated, Obama will not survive a month when faced with the Republican attack machine."

Basiclly the article is claiming that Obama is mixed in with a bunch of rich crime guys in Chicago and has been groomed for the presidency.

Comments: Sounds like the JFK-Mob story that has been going around for years… If what the article claims are true, I'm sure Hilary Clinton would be making the most of it. She is not one to sitting around waiting when information like that is out about her competitor.

And saving the best for last, Number Five is: "Clay tablet identified as asteroid that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah" – World Wide Religious News

Summary: "A clay tablet that has baffled scientists for 150 years has been identified as a witness’s account of the asteroid suspected of being behind the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah."

Comment: Cool! Sounds like God got mad at Sodom and Gomorrah. I say a little reminder of that would be in order….. Undecided