Stretching The God Muscles

How do you express the emotions within? Sometimes it is hard to find the words that reflex the twisting and turning of one’s emotions….

God has been stretching me this week in two different ways.

The first way is through a book about Eastern Orthodox Church written by a former Calvary Chapel pastor who converted to Orthodoxy.What is so powerful about the book is that the author is detailing his journey through the vast field of Protestant doctrine while in search for the “truth” and love of Christ.

As I read, I see myself in his journey, which causes me to stop and question some the foundational viewpoints of the Protestant faith….  Undecided

The second stretching comes in the form of a guitar. The lady who plays the piano at church is on vacation this week so I get to lead worship via my acoustic guitar. While I have been playing for our Thursday evening small group, it is a big stretch to get up and play in front of the whole church…  sigh… I would rather stand behind folks and jam on the bass… Smile

May the Lord grant me the strength to continue walking His path, following the Wild Goose.