Christian Muslims

One of the things God has been challenging me on is my definition of "Christian believer" – especially as it relates to believers from a Muslim background.

In case you have never heard, there is a movement among Islamic world that recognizes Jesus (or Isa) as Lord and Savior. However, these believers do not call themselves "Christians" nor do they attend "church".

Instead they call themselves Messianic Muslims and the attend the local mosque just like everyone else…. only instead of praying to Mohammed, they pray to Isa.[@more@]

In the book "Muslims, Magic and the Kingdom of God" by Rick Love, there is a confession of faith written by a national church leader for such a "church". While it is not comprehensive, it does reflect a good contextualization of the Kingdom:

I confess there is one God. There is no God but Allah.

I confess there is one God, and one mediator also between God and humanking, Isa al-Masih, himself human.

I believe that Isa al-Masih appeared for this purpose that he might destory the works of the devil.

I believe that through Isa we have been delivered from the domain of darkness and transferred into the Kingdom of God.

I believe that Isa gave himself as a ransom for all.

I believe that Isa al-Masih was raised from the dead andis at the right hand of God, having gone into heaven, after angels and authorities and powers had been subjected to him.

I believe that this is eternal life, that we know the only true God and Isa al-Masih whom he has sent.

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. 
