Ten Pillars of Leadership and Ministry

phil stroutPhil Strout is staring a new series on his video blog about the ten pillars of leadership and ministry that has helped him throughout the years. It should be a good series. 🙂

1.    Whatever it takes
2.    This is the most important _________
3.    It’s amazing what can be accomplished when you don’t care who gets the credit
4.    The Golden Rule
5.    Soul Care
6.    Fruitful Longevity
7.    If it’s worth anything, it’s worth everything
8.    For the Greater Glory of God and the well-being of people
9.    Ministry is overflow, not overwork
10.    The Cup of the Lord

Note that he only posts every few weeks so, yeah, it is going to take some time to make it through all ten… 😕


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