SSU Master of Ministry Reading List

Happy, happy, joy, joy!! I just received the reading list for the “Ancient Insights for Today” class in my first module at St. Stephen’s University!! It is quite the reading list – which is why I’m starting now even though I don’t actually ‘go’ to the class until October 1st.   😀

Speaking of the reading list, if anyone has a book on this list (except Bonhoeffer’s book, I have that one) that they are willing to give away, loan or sell cheaply – please let me know as I am now in the market. 😛

  1. Martin Luther, Letters of Spiritual Counsel, ed. and trans. by Theodore Tappert
  2. John Calvin, The Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life, trans. Henry J. Van Andel
  3. Blaise Pascal, Pensees, Section III and Section IV
  4. George Herbert, George Herbert: The Country Parson, The Temple
  5. Teresa of Avila, The Interior Castle, trans. E. Allison Peers
  6. Thérèse de Lisieux, The Story of a Soul: A New Translation, trans. Robert J. Edmonson
  7. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together
  8. C. S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory (the sermon itself, not the book by the same name)
  9. Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning
  10. Desmond Tutu, No Future Without Forgiveness
  11. Nelson Mandela: final section of Long Walk to Freedom
  12. Brian McLaren, A Generous Orthodoxy
  13. Peter Rollins, How (Not) to Speak of God
  14. Justo L. Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity, Vol. 1& 2
  15. Roger Olson, The Story of Christian Theology
  16. Gerald L. Sittser, Water from a Deep Well