Inaugurated Eschatology

I ran across an awesome post today about inaugurated eschatology by J. R. Daniel Kirk (NT Professor at Fuller) that I just HAD to share!!

“Inaugurated eschatology is the conviction that the power of the kingdom, the promised fullness of God, will burst forth and provide in rich abundance here and now, even when we cannot see with our eyes the fullness of the harvest.

“Inaugurated eschatology is the summons to move out on faith, trusting that the smallest seed will sprout and bring forth a plant in which all the birds of the air can find their food.

“Inaugurated eschatology is the summons to begin to feed the hungry with the little we have, trusting that the God’s kingdom economy of abundance is not constrained by the lack by which we would measure it.

“Inaugurated eschatology is trusting that if we truly become servants, loving others with the self-giving love of God in Christ, that life untold will spring forth from that place of death.

“The danger of inaugurated eschatology is triumphalism, that in our round proclamations that all things are made new we might miss the fact that we cannot measure with our eyes and hands, yet, the abundance of God’s kingdom.

“The solution is to remember that it is still eschatology, about the end–and that in Jesus-eschatology the great and climactic end comes by way of the cross.

“We still walk by faith, not by sight. And the way we walk is the one to which the Crucified summoned us: take up your cross and follow me.”

2 thoughts on “Inaugurated Eschatology”

  1. I have appreciated your articles and book reviews. You seem like a very thoughtful and articulate and curious soul! You mentioned being interested in reading things about realized eschatology. May I invite you to check out a page on my website that I placed a couple articles that really helped me understand the biblical use of the terms “this age” and the “age to come” as they relate to the old and new covenant and the Kingdom of God on earth now. Check it out, I’d be curious what you think!

    1. Thank you Riley for your kind comments – my heart is blessed by them.

      I am always interested in learning more about the Kingdom of God and discussing the development of the biblical terms “this age” and the “age to come.” I forward to reading your articles. 🙂

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