Vineyard Conference Tales: A Prophetic Word Over The Movement

No one said it out loud …not really…at least not in a prophetic sense. Yet, they referenced the concept over and over and over again – and shoot, they even sang it!

What is it?

It” is a prophetic word that I think God was showering the conference – and perhaps the entire movement – with. “It” is four simple words packed full of meaning (as God words usually are). The words – well they are as follows:

Mercy triumphs over judgment.

Yep. James 2:13b.

Mercy – God’s mercy – will triumph over:

  • our judgment of our selves (which can be worse then any critic)
  • judgment of others against us
  • judgment thrown at us by the evil one
  • judgment from not obeying God

Mercy will triumph over it all. Sound the alarm – ring the bells – shout for joy – because the King is here and His mercy is afresh.

May we as a movement take this prophetic message from God and run with is – reminding ourselves of it as we go forward in the midst of cognitive and cultural dissonance (sorry, insight reference to Ken Wilson’s conference talk…too much to explain right now).

Mercy triumphs over judgment. Amen.

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