Not With Eloquence…But With Power

Over the past few months God has been teaching us (i.e. the PRV family) to watch Him and to do what He is doing. It seemed fitting, therefore, that as I was prepared last Sunday’s sermon I felt that God wanted me to pray that folks’ spiritual eyes and ears would be open. God was on the move and He wanted us to be able to see His works, to hear His voice, and to join with Him as He transforms our valley and our lives.

I was ok with that.

What I wasn’t ok with was the dream I had Saturday night…

In this dream I was standing before the congregation, having just finished the sermon. As I watched, I saw myself inviting anyone who wanted their spiritual eyes and ears open to come – anyone who wanted a new touch for God – they were to come up front where I was to anoint their eyes and ears with oil.

Lying in bed that night, drifting between sleep and awareness, I remember wrestling with this dream: Why was I the only one prayer? Surely there were others in the congregation who was supposed to pray as well?

Shoot, I even recall trying to change the dream to show this modification as it ‘fit’ better within my parameters of ‘church.’

Yet, the same image rolled across my mind a second time – I was to invite the people forward and anointed them with oil. Only this time, it felt like there was someone or some people who were to join me… only they were not the congregation per say…I don’t know…it was odd and I couldn’t put my finger on it… I just knew that I was supposed to pray for some eyes and ears.

The Anointing of David, Paris Psalter (10th century)

When I awoke that morning, I couldn’t shake the dream… so I told Emily about the dream and started praying, trying to find out what to do as I was not an ‘oil’ guy.

Yes, I realize that throughout the Bible the prophets and priest used oil as a symbol of the Holy Spirit – church history and tradition also follows this line – yet it just wasn’t…well…me.

Soon the morning clock told us that it was time to go to church. Then the bell rang seven times and the people praised God; the message was delivered and the time had come…What to do? Should I be a fool for God? Or stay cool and miss the hand of my Master?

Fingering a small container of olive oil, I choose the foolish thing….and promptly lowed my head and started messing with the computer, looking for some music to play for I did not want to watch the faces staring back at me.

It was in shock then that I looked up a few seconds later to find the entire church was standing in a line stretching across the gym, wrapping around the chairs in a long semi-circle engulfing those who were unable to stand!!!!

As I stared in awe, a friendly voice spoke behind me asking if they may help me pray. To God be glory for unknown to me, my friends and mentors, Larry and Nancy Pew, had decided to drop in that morning for church after spending a weekend in the mountains. They, it turned out, were the ones in my dream to whom I could not place – the wild card of God played in the eleventh hour.

Together with Emily, we four started praying – and o’ how the Lord spoke that day! None left that morning without personally meeting the Living Creator of Heaven and Earth.

All because of a foolish dream….

2 thoughts on “Not With Eloquence…But With Power”

  1. Part of the language of God, dreams and visions. would that we all were so foolish.

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