Dancing The Night Away

Surprisingly, Friday’s elementary/intermediate school dance turned out to be a lot of fun.

During the setup, I expressed my doubts as to the wisdom of such a dance – and received likewise comments from some of the other adults…yet, I also learned that it was the kids themselves who requested the dance after getting a taste during a winter auction/fundraiser a while back.

This taste was enhanced during the school year by a local lady who took it upon herself to each these children how to dance properly. No fast, bumping grinding here – just some basic swing moves, two step, foxtrot and other classic dances of years gone past.

"Artistic Sound Board Lights" (otherwise known as, "Josh Playing with a Camara"

I, for one, am slightly jealous of these kids has they are learning skills that will enrich their lives for many a moon. The rest of us…well, we had to learn such style the hard way – through many an embarrassing dance party (school, wedding, ect).

On the bright side, I did have the pleasure of cutting the rug gym floor with my lovely bride as well as my young son (it is amazing how much fun a three person two step can be!).  😀

Oh, and the music turned out good.

I was able to filter most of the not-so-good-for-young-ears songs without offending too many kids (it is bad when ten year olds are requesting by name song I won’t even listen too?!)

All and all, Friday evening was a wonderful time spend dancing under the lights to the rhythmic beats of Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus. 😛

One thought on “Dancing The Night Away”

  1. Glad you guys had fun. Enjoy these dances and kids while they still have some innocence and a broader taste in good music. lol

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