A Historical Event

Last night was a historical event.

Nope, it was not Obama’s State of the Union address or protestors in Egypt.

Yesterday evening gave witness to the first time this red-headed ex-country boy turned preacher played in a basketball game (with real referees!!).

Yelp. You read that right. I actually played a basketball game in an honest to goodness basketball league. For those you don’t know me that well, this was a HUGE deal as I’m not the basketball type. In High School, it was all band, football and tennis – and asthma inhalators…

But now, many years later, God has taught me how to play basketball – and strangely enough, it feels good! 🙂

Granted, the joyful feelings of excitement were helped along by the fact that we won 60 to 35 with yours truly sinking some awesome 3-point shots. 😀