Becoming a parent is like wearing a grass skirt….

grass skirtWhen you first think about it, it sounds like a great idea – I mean, shoot – who wouldn’t want to wear a grass skirt?!

It is cool and breezy with plenty of cover (assuming you make it out of broad leaves or lots, lots, and lots of medium to small blades – but make sure the grass blades are not TOO small….that would be….um….interesting….yeah, that’s the word)… 😕

Standing from afar – you watch people wearing the grass skirts and while there are some who are in obvious pain, the majority of the wears are having fun and enjoying themselves. Especially the ones walking over the hot coals – they are REALLY enjoying the skirts (minus the ones wearing the long grass skirts…they tend to be jumping up and down and running hell Mary towards the nearest body of water).

After a long while, you decided – what the heck, let’s give it a go. So you stripe down and put on your grass skirt. Gathering up you courage, you walk out among the mingling crowd – all the while thinking that every eye is on you.

Yet in reality, no one is watching – the guy in the long skirt pogo sticking at a unnatural speed towards the pool, HE has all the eyes!

Yeah. That’s what’s it is like to become a parent.

Just like that.

Only better – and less breezy.