2009 Darwin Awards

The 2009 Darwin Awards were recently released to the humor and amazement of folks worldwide. The Darwin Awards, for those unfamiliar with the program, “commemorate those who improve out gene pool by removing themselves from it.”

2009 Runner-Up

For the first time in the history of the Darwin Awards (started in 1993) a women (50-yrs old) made it to the top – by driving her moped past a police officer and a road barrier and straight into flood covered roadway. The officer managed to pull her out of the swollen creek, only to have her jump right back into flash flood waters as soon as he’s back was turned.

The reason….well, according to the lady’s mother, she really loved that moped.

I can only hope, for her sake, that she had the best moped insurance available and that her beloved vehicle can be fixed.

2009 Runner-Up

A Florida gentleman named Shawn was returning home with some friends from a Pampano Beach bar on I-95. Traffic was pretty bad that day, so they got stuck in traffic…..only Shawn really, really needed to relieve himself – so he gets out of the car, walks over to highway divider and jumped over the low concrete wall. The only problem was that he on a bridge 65 feet above some railroad tracks. He didn’t make it.

2009 Winner

In Sept 2009 two guys got the bright idea to rob a bank in Dinant, Belgium. Breaking into the bank was fairly easy – however, in order to obtain the money, they decided to use some dynamite to open the inside ATM. Problem was that they overestimated the quantity of dynamite needed – in a nutshell, they demolished the entire building with themselves inside.