Green Revolution by Ben Lowe

Airports are not fun places to wait. They have hard seats and, depending on the location, very few stores to browse.

Yet, a few years ago a young man named Ben Lowe volunteered to wait in the Boise airport for an additional hour so that he could car pool with another conference attendee. As the “designated taxi service”, this was a HUGE blessing to me as it meant one less trip to and from the airport.

It also meant less fuel used and less carbon exhaust – a big thing concerning Ben was in Boise to attend the 2007 Let’s Tend The Garden environmental stewardship conference.

Such was my introduction to Ben Lowe.

Side note: Writing this introduction makes me think of the last evening of the conference. That night after the conference had ended, Ben, Lyndsay Moseley (Sierra Club), Richard Cizik (VP for Governmental Affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals) and myself went downtown and stayed up late talking about everthing under the sun. Ah – good memorizes. Laughing

Two years later it is my pleasure to review Ben’s first book, Green Revolution: Coming Together to Care for Creation.[@more@]

As you all know, I read a LOT of books: theology books, history books, environment books, and some fiction books. Most of the books I read aren’t very…let’s say…captivating. They are powerful, but not in a senses that they drawn you into the pages and focus your attention.

Green Revolution was different.

It drew you in – not just into the pages, but into a movement that is sweeping the country. No longer was I an individual trying to be a good steward of the God’s wonderful earth. I was a part of something greater then myself.

Unlike some environmental books – Christian or not – Ben does not “preach” at you through the pages. There no lists of shoulds or should nots – nor were there any chapters condemning one group or another. Instead, Ben told the stories of regular people serving God through their personal lives, church, university and/or non-profit organization. These stories were held together by the greater theme of God’s work in the land.

I can’t help but smile as I think about my feelings as I read Green Revolution. Feelings of joy, excitement and happiness at hearing about the hand of God across this nation and world.

Green Revolution isn’t about global warming or any kind of political addenda – it is simply God at work.  

Out of all the Christian environmental stewardship books I have read, this one is at the top of my list. It is well worth the investment.

Good reading.

Ben is currently working as the Co-Coordinator for Renewal, a Christ-centered creation care network that focuses on living in right relationship with God. Check out their webpage here.