Forget the Bible, Focus on Jesus!!

I was listening to an interview with Jeremy Camp the other day as I drove into work. During this interview he said that during these hard times folks need to be “focused on the Bible”.


I mean – yes, I understand where he is coming from. But I disagree.

We need to be focused on the person of Jesus Christ – not the Bible.

Focusing on the Bible is like studying old love notes why your spouse is sitting on the sofa wanting to snuggle!

Don’t get me wrong – the Bible is the inspired word of God – read it, study it and know it. But don’t focus so much on the Bible that you miss the Person of Jesus. 

And no – reading the Bible is not the same thing as “focusing on Jesus”.  Jesus is a person and as a person you must talk to him, listen to him, hang out with him – just like you do with your friends or spouse or family.

Read the Bible – but focus on Jesus.