Judging a book…

How do you judge a book?  

Some say “by the cover” – yet, as many a movie or book, has taught us, a book’s cover can deceive us quicker then split peanuts.

Take the Bible for example. The majority of Bible’s covers are black with gold words proclaiming “Holy Bible”.  BORING!!!!  

Yet, the story within that large black book is one of the most powerful stories ever told.

How do you judge a book?  

I have been listening to an audio book the last few days. At first it seemed ok – no “bad” words or scenes. It is a fictional youth book about a young lady who goes to sea as a cabin boy…  

Yet, as I listened to the book, something didn’t seem to fit…. Something was “off” – yet, I couldn’t find anything written in the book to merit my dislike.

Then it hit me – the spirit of the book was wrong.  

For whatever reason, the book just had the wrong spirit – one that did not fit with the Presence of Eternity.

Lesson learned today: listen to the Spirit as words can be deceiving.