Everything Must Change by Brian McLaren

What can I say? How can one summarize a book that has caused more brain waves then Bede?

I guess you start by typing your thoughts… and hope that all goes wells. Undecided

There are three main topics that really knocked me about in this book:

  1. Justice
  2. Peace Insurgency
  3. Rethinking the “American Dream”

As such, I’m going to talk a bit about each of them – briefly as this is a blog post not a book. Tongue out

  • Justice

McLaren really changed the way I looked at Jesus and his ministry. A lot of scriptures I took to be purely “spiritual” or begin now have a huge neon “justice” sign next to them.

Of course, in making the sign, I had to ask myself “What is justice?”  Is justice purely a legal term describing the emotions of someone wronged when the cook gets thrown in jail?[@more@]

Or perhaps justice is something more… maybe it’s helping those oppressed by the culture around them…. those casted aside by the rest of society.  If that’s so, then Micah’s words to “act justly” means more then not lying or creating.

It could also mean that Isaiah 61 is more then just a spiritual prophecy. – perhaps, Jesus came to physically release the captive in addition to releasing us from spiritual bondage…. things to think about.

  • Peace Insurgency

I have been looking for another term to describe my passion for the Creator of All… the terms “Christian” and “believer” have been highjacked…”Kingdom of God” is to archaic…

How about “a member of the peace insurgency”?

Ponder this: a revolution or civil war is again a legitimate government…but an “insurgency” is a group of folks fighting again an illegitimate ruler. 

That is where we are – Satan has taken over this world illegitimately. We are fighting against him – yet, we fight not with guns, but with peace, love, justice, mercy and the grace of the Lord Almighty.

  • Rethinking the “American Dream”

What is the “American Dream”? Grow up, obtain a good job, get married, buy a house with a white picket fence and then start acquiring as much toys as possible.

Sounds good?

I think it sounds like crap!

They call my generation the “Me” generation – yet, I think that term fits each and every generation on planet earth. We are all – especially in the West – concerned about what “I” get out of it… even in the church.

Americas consume more resources then any other people group – we create companies that destroy the environment and/or “hire” slave labor so that we can buy more items/toys. And we call it “progress”!

Hear me out – and think about what I’m saying.

I think it’s time we, the church, stop pursuing the “American Dream” with all it’s fancy toys and start caring for the poor, the widow, the hungry, the homeless, the corporate cube worker trapped in debt, the rich fool trying to gain the most toys before he dies….

We call ourselves a “blessed” nation….but are we really ‘blessed’?  How are our spiritually lives?  Are they solid? or do we just have fat pocket books?