Rethinking my role in the Kingdom of God

About ten years ago God placed a strong love for other cultures on my heart. As such, I have looked forward to serving God overseas in some way. Now, when you tell people that, the first question they usually ask is “where?” My normal response has been “planet earth.” Smile

However, if you probed deeper you would find that my heart has been draw to two areas: Latin America and Eastern Europe. Yeah, they are vastly different areas – but they are the two areas that have continued to “pop up” over the years.

Then I started the Perspectives on the Christian World Movement class.

One of the core focuses of the class is pioneer missions – the sending missionaries to areas that have no Christian witness. As I read about the need for missionaries to go to these pioneer areas, I couldn’t help but rethink my life and future goals. Maybe I should refocus the world area on my heart? Maybe I should be looking at those countries where there are no Christians instead of those areas that used to be Christian….

Overall, the class is raising more questions then answers. Yet, that's a good place to be. Wink