How Simple Is the Gospel?

Is the Gospel message really as simple as we make it? For years, I’v thought that the Gospel message centered around the phrase: “Jesus loves me and died for my sins.”

Now I’m not so sure.

While that phrase it good, it seems to be too simple. Think about it – if that is all we tell people, then what do they do afterwards? Go sit on a pew for 30 years and follow a bunch of rules?!

I don’t think so!!! That is not what Jesus died for!!!

Jesus is inviting us to join the revolution!!!! We are the counter attack – fighting to take back the land and people from the lord of this age.

We are invited to join the King of Kings in spreading his reign and rule. This is done every time someone healed, set free from spiritual, emotional or physical bonds, or access the grace of Jesus.[@more@]

Yes – the starting point is simple. But we must not stop there. We need to teach and demonstrate the WHOLE Gospel message – namely that Jesus cares about every area of our lives. He wants us to follow him in everything.

I don’t know about you, but I want to live for something more then warming a pew. I want to fight – I want to see the King come. I want to see the sick healed, the leapers cleansed, the dead rise, those in bondage set free, and those mourning receive the oil of gladness!!!

I will not sit back and wait until the second coming!!