Missions 101 – passing the torch

For the last few years, the Lord has been helping me develop a cross-cultural adaptation class for the short term mission trips in our church. It has been an awesome journey as I’ve worked with some talented people in developing the material and schedule.  At the same time, it has also been hard work – reserving the room, advertising the class, preparing for the class, getting everything just right, ect…

Then came the capstone

This Saturday I was able to attend the Missions 101 class as an attendee.

That’s right. For the first time in two years, I was able to attend the Missions 101 class as an attendee with no duties or responsibilities. God provided two awesome team mates who offered to teach this summer’s class for me so I could focus on getting ready to go to South America.

Let me tell you, it was amazing to watch these folks teach! I can’t describe it… you work hard for years, developing team mates and co-leaders.. and then, you turn it over (which is the hardest partas E could tell you…) and Lord behold, it goes smooth as silk.

Yeah… it worked. In fact, I think they might of done a better job at teaching the class them I did. Maybe it’s the whole the student shall stand on the shoulders of the teacher deal…  Laughing

God is great. Life is good.